Episcopal State Convention

Sherry and I returned yesterday from the Iowa Episcopal Convention.  I am always given nuggets of inspiration from these events.  Before the convention began there was a clergy meeting on Friday at the undercroft of St. Paul's Cathedral with about seventy of us in attendance.  Our guest speaker was Shane Claiborne.  He is well known for his activism in the Philadelphis area, which means he has been arrested many times.  He has written a book titled The Irresistible Revolution in which he recounts many of his experiences.  It is a good and often inspiring read.

The new bishop from Nzara, South Sudan and his wife shared with us their stories.  On the far left, Bishop Scarfe also gave us an inspiring and engaging talk that was peppered with his British wit and wisdom.

I will share more with all of you at next Sunday's service.

Fr. Fred

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