
I truly enjoyed the Morning Prayer service today at both St. Andrews in Chariton and Grace in Albia.  By our standards we had a good attendance at both churches. A new family of three came to Grace for the service.  One of the things I like most about new families is that I get to walk them through the service and focus on making them comfortable with what we do and why we do it.  I love the Episcopal service and I love the Book of Common Prayer.  I wonder if the early church fathers (unfortunately there were no early church mothers) had any idea that what they were preparing five hundred years ago would resonate for so long and so deeply to Christians throughout the ages.  I thank them.

I spent a little time in the sermon talking about the church.  People mistakenly think of churches as buildings and churches are really the people who congregate in those buildings.  I remember watching the news one night and they were covering a natural disaster that had destroyed a church building.  The reporter was interviewing the pastor and in his interview asked him how he was impacted by the destruction of the church.  The pastor told him that the church was not destroyed but that the building was gone.  The church was as vibrant as ever.

I hope your Sunday went well.  Have a blessed week.

Deacon Fred

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